Tag Archives: creative

|Mid Summer| 

|Mid Summer|

Let the sun kiss your green feathers

Gleaming joyfully, diving on daisies under,

The cotton looped clouds precisely crafted

Not to rain, but appeal as your backdrop;

Why do you reminisce the dull grains of dust

Clothing you from seasons past;

You are a part of divine, green, brown

And catkin white,

Spread your leaves, let go of pattern

Welcome the Mid Summer with a sway and pride.




Her eyes.

Heavy with eons of self sabotage. To put them before herself every second.

Perhaps, her love so deep, raw and unleashed caught her in the dungeon of howling voices,

Her eyes burdened with the illusion of perfection-

Have now shut.

She is in deep slumber,

Only to rise with Love

To conquer her own demons.

SA Ruminations

She bends so that she doesn’t break

~The Chase~

I came across this post few days back, and I really liked it. So Re-blogging this from it’s original Author Nicolemoncada. Thanks Nicole, for allowing me to share this wonderful post! 🙂

Bipolar Tapestry~Poetic Thoughts

I’m not gonna chase you not anymore, I’m no longer praying you will Want to walk through My door to stay with me forever more ~

I’m not gonna chase you ,It’s not worth fight Or even the plight I see you now clearly in the light You will no longer invade my mind in the day and the night~

I’m not gonna chase you hoping you’ll see the precious amazing Thing that is me, you’re ignorant can’t you see, oh yeah that’s right you can’t see what is the magic the beauty of me~

I’m not gonna chase you it’s not needed, if this was real because if you felt as I felt you would feel as I feel~

I’m not gonna chase not anyone anymore I’m not gonna be some part time whore trust in this I’m worth much oh so much more

I’m not gonna chase you…

View original post 381 more words

Body Image

Image Credit : Pixabay 

Whacky hair with disturbing knots
Swollen eyes and fat arms,
My morning look made you retrace your steps. You labelled me-
Not Perfect.
Unlike those that you’ve already dated,
Or the ones you caricatured in your dreams..
Funnily though, nothing was new-
Society pinned me inside an image as time flew. 

Here I am, birthing sunshine again
To not be Perfect-
Happy Imperfect.
But to live with my own greatness,
Exuding rainbow shades from my eyes that you ran away.
My arms don’t jiggle anymore, they have stiffened to hit you hard in your consciouness..
My hair knots everytime I wake,
and I flaunt it with a diva smile and a shake.

My feet stopped before they trap me
In the  Body Image cage.
For I will create my own world without any stints
And walk in it with my unmatachable footprints. 

SA Ruminations

Stardust Of My Dreams

Image Credit : Pixabay 

You are the stardust of my dreams
Gifting healing kisses
Rainbow hairs
And violet wings that gleam. 

Sing, sing, to be my heart’s content

Your lullabies cast a blessing on me

I am slipping away with no end

Wave your silver wand, that’s my plea.

Here is where I stay, my dear
There’s no escape i seek
The world outside is full of fear
Visit my dreams and take a peek. 

SA Ruminations 

7 ways writing (even if you don’t know what to write) can help you.

Image Credit: Pixabay

You have a pen. You have your notebook. Write.

Or if you are more used to typing it out first, then Type.

You don’t have to be a writer or a great storyteller (but if you are, probably you already enjoy writing). You can write in the language that’s comfortable to you.

There are 7 reasons that I have personally experienced when I started writing (though long time back) but it has helped nevertheless.

  1. Get in the creative flow. Make you brain work. Think. Across limits, borders and the usual or ordinary. You will be surprised how more or little you have noticed when you are silent and pay attention. It’s all about letting your “chi” flow. Wander and let your ink splash. This creative endeavor will only spread into your other facets of life.

  1. Be yourself. Whatever you write is going to be a part of you on the paper. I read it in The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. The artist is too reluctant to exhibit his artwork. He believed his work was a reflection of who he was, and he had exposed himself too much. However, we being true to ourselves can only know better who we are. And not refrain from it. So, write down what interests you in that moment and keep writing without worrying about punctuations or grammar. The idea here is to bring out your real self, so you can see who you are.

  1. Your deepest desires, passions and secrets that you may wanted to run away from will spill out through your ink. It will help you confront them and deal with issues.

  1. You might find a new career through your writing. You will never know how well you can write until you actually write. This might sound like a cliché, but it’s true. Until you dip your toe in the water, you cannot fathom its depth.

  1. It will engage your time in a productive way. It will let your brain work in every nook and corner you might have overlooked all these years. Let your time appear still when the pen touches the paper and you are confused what to write. That is the moment of exploration. Stretch that time, be still. Slow down. You are utilizing your time in a productive way, figuring out what you really want to place on your paper. It is similar to introspection but in a creative way.

  1. Take out your emotions as if talking to your bestie. Let the emotions flow out. It acts like a mirror when you read it again. And reading it after few more months or years shows you your progress you’ve made mentally or the issues that bothered you once have ironed out smoothly with time. C’est la vie. We grow as an individual, and it adds depth to who we are.

  1. When you write, think purpose. Use your writing for supporting a cause. Or supporting someone personally by writing a (handwritten would be so much better) letter with compassion and love. If you aren’t willing to post a letter, write your to-do lists. Expand them. Write down your qualities that you have discovered yet. Pen down notes about you that you dislike and want to work upon.

After all this and may be more reasons, you will understand yourself a little better. One step better than yesterday, or two steps of clarity in your career choice. Even better, a huge leap in forgiving someone and finding your new passion. It has helped me vent out my emotions when I did not want to talk to anyone. It has shown me my creative side and still keeps me surprising.

I hope you too find something positive and meaningful by writing. Let me know if you do! 

Happy Scribbling!